Rock Paper Scissors Golden Edition
In this game of Rock Paper Scissors, you play as usual but with a twist: you can find Golden Variants of the three choices you just
made. For example, if you chose "Rock" and won or tied, you'll have a chance to find a "Golden Rock". Golden
Items beat the usual items they normally defeat and also win on ties.
The game is a race to 100 points. You score 2 points for each win and 1 point for each tie, while your opponent scores 4 points for
defeating a Golden Item and 2 points for a regular win. The computer doesn't gain Golden Items, and it always makes its choice
first to ensure fair play.
Golden Items, however, have the same weaknesses as their regular counterparts. For example, a "Golden Paper" can still be cut by "Scissors".
Now that you know the rules, advantages, and disadvantages, may the odds be ever in your favor. Good luck!